古地磁気と第四紀研究 (古地磁気と第四紀研究<特集号>)
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The Earth's history consists of a continuing series of events which have occurred in the Earth and it's immediately surrounding space. Most of the evidence for these events has been lost to us, but traces of some of these events have been recorded in the Earth's crust. The most conspicuous of these includes traces of the past gravity field within which all phenomena of the Earth occur. Based on the principle of uniformitarianism, we can interpret layered rocks as “fossils” of past gravity fields.Another phenomenon recorded is the effects of the Earth's geomagnetic field. Geological evidence clearly indicates that the main magnetic field of the Earth has been that of a geocentric dipole, and, unlike the gravity field, it has changed in both direction and intensity frequently. These variations in the magnetic field are undoubtedly global in extent, and all past geologic processes have operated within the geomagnetic field.Geomagnetism cannot compare with the effects of gravity as a dominant process, but it is effective in protecting the Earth's surface from the bombardment of charged particles projected from the Sun and from outer space, and which have been considered to affect the atmosphere and hydrosphere, along with the organisms within them. The frequent changes in direction and intensity of the geomagnetic field thus provide many isochronous horizons throughout natural and artificial materials, and can also be considered an important cause for past climatic and biologic events. Paleomagnetism, then, is an important element in recording Quaternary history and is therefore of great importance in Quaternary research.The symposium, “Paleomagnetism and Quaternary Research, ” was held on the 6th of February, 1977, on the occasion of the annual meeting of the Japan Association for Quaternary Research at Satio Ho-on Kai Museum of Natural History, Sendai. This special issue of THE QUATERNARY RESEARCH contains the papers presented and discussed there.Taking into account the close connection between paleomagnetism and Quaternary research, as indicated by the compatible juxtaposition of the two terms in the title of the symposium, no particular order of discourse was followed in collecting the papers. However, a brief note on some aspects of paleomagnetism is included in the introduction for the sake of general understanding, considering that this special issue of the journal is one of interdisciplinary association.
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