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In the previous paper, it was noted that in the stomach of mackerel administered Lhistamine, the activity of pepsin was higher than in the untreated controls. Moreover, the tissues and the muscles were more readily broken or swollen in the mackerel administered Lhistamine than in the untreated controls. The present study was carried out to determine whether or not histamine was a gastric secretory substance in mackerel, and whether or not it directly stimulated cathepsin D activity in the tissues of this fish, as well as to obtain data on the accumulation of histamine. Whether histamine was administered through the stomach or the bulbus arterosus, the same tendency was observed. That is in the administered mackerel there was an increase in cathepsin D activity in the muscle, spleen and liver, and compared with the untreated control. Histamine could not affect a direct increase in cathepsin D activity in the muscles or tissues. The phenomena mentioned above were confirmed by administration with pepsin solution into the stomach. The determination of the fraction indicating the highest activities of histamine-producting and -decomposing emzymes was carried out by ammonium sulfate precipitation. A mechanism for the accumulation of histamine in mackerel was discussed
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