- 論文の詳細を見る
Packed cell volume, protein, cholesterol, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium levels in plasma on two groups of fully matured rainbow trout were investigated in November and December. The control group (I) was supplied a feed with fish meal (60) and wheat flour (26), and SCP group (II) with fish meal (35), methanol-grown yeast (30) and wheat flour (21). Average protein content of (I) was a little higher, and cholesterol level of (I) was significantly higher than those of (II). Following equations were obtained from the elevated protein level of females of both groups. P (mg/100ml)=23.1x-53.2 (r=0.950) Ca (mg/100ml)=12.15x-48.8 (r=0.937) Mg (mg/100ml)=0.606x-0.95 (r=0.936) x=protein cont. (g/100ml) Gonadosomatic index, hematocrit, and potassium contents showed no correlation with the protein level. In December Zn decreased 0.136mg/100ml as plasma protein level increased by 1g.
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