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The cause of water absorption by oocytes during meiotic maturation and ovulation was investigated in plaice Limanda yokohamae oocytes obtained with time from the HCG-injected mature females. Keeping pace with the activity of water a bsorption, the oocytes osmolality, estimated by their volume changes in various RINGER solutions of different NaCl concentration, gradually increased and finally decreased. To find out what attracts the water in oocyte, we examine the change in the shapes and the relative volume of main constituents of oocyte using the method of histology and intracellular fractionation by centrifuging. The result is that during meiosis, yolk globules which had already occupied most of the oocyte fused, gathering almost all the water newly absorbed into oocyte, to decrease their density and turn opaque solid into transparent fluid. Inference has been made that in teleosts the fusion of yolk globules might be accompanied with their dissociation into a lot of small particles osmotically active and could result in hydration of oocytes just before ovulation, possibly accelerated by several other factors
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