- 論文の詳細を見る
The growth and maturation of 5- and6-year-old plants of Eisenia bicyclis were investigated by the leaf-marking method from June 1989 through June 1991 at Iwaki on the Pacific coast of northeastern Honshu, Japan. The length, diameter, and weight of each stipe was 50-60cm, ca. 3cm, and 400 ?? 600g throughout the investigation periods, respectively. The arm length was 13 ?? 14cm in 5-year-olds and 16 ?? l7cm in 6-year-olds. The weight of the lateral blades showed a seasonal peak in August or June, and a bottom in December or January, according to the seasonal changes in the weight and length of the lateral blade, the number of bladelets per lateral blade, and the number of lateral blades. Lateral blades with sori were observed throughout the year. The number of lateral blades with sori increased from August through January, when lateral blades without wrinkles on their surface showed an increase. Plants of both 5 and 6 years of age were found to produce 42 lateral blades and to discard 42 blades in a year. From the wet weight and the number of lateral blades falling off each year, it is estimated that the annual fallout product of both 5- and 6-year-old plants is ca. 2.1kg in wet weight.
- 日本水産學會の論文
- 海藻・植食動物間のケミカルシグナル
- 海中林造成の基礎と実践
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- 海中林造成の基礎と実践
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- アラメの2〜4歳個体の生長および成熟についての観察
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- アラメ群落の構造と海中林造成(シンポジウム:藻場造成)
- 3. 小型植食性巻貝エゾサンショウガイに対する海藻より抽出された摂食阻害物質の作用(平成 5 年度大会(千葉)研究発表要旨)
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