- 論文の詳細を見る
Dental sexual dimorphism was observed in the stingray Dasyatis akajei. There was no difference between sexes in dentition at the juvenile stage. However, mature males had a pointed cusp for each tooth while mature females had virtually flat teeth with irregular surfaces. Sexual dental dimorphism occurred between a disc width of 350 and 400mm for males collected in Tokyo Bay, Japan. This size range was almost identical to the size at maturity for males, estimated from abrupt increments in clasper length and testis weight. Food habits expressed by frequency of occurrence of prey items showed no large difference between sexes. The main food items were crustaceans and fishes. The findings suggest that sexual heterodonty is closely related to the mating behavior of male stingrays. Another form of sexual dimorphism was found in size at maturity, i.e. smaller in males than females by a disc width of approximately 200mm.
- 日本水産學會の論文
Taniuchi Toru
Department Of Aquatic Bioscience Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences
Taniuchi Toru
Fisheries Biology Faculty Of Agriculture The University Of Tokyo
清水 誠
谷内 透
- 平成14年度(第15回)水文・水環境研究部会 シンポジウム報告
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- 銚子産ホシザメの年齢,成長,繁殖および食性について
- 長崎および銚子沖合産トガリツノザメの繁殖生態〔英文〕
- 東京湾産アカエイの歯にみられる性的2型と食性〔英文〕
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- 北太平洋産フトツノザメの繁殖パラメ-タの地理的変異〔英文〕