- 論文の詳細を見る
The age and growth of Nibea albiflora in Ariake Sound were studied by measuring the radii of otolith annulus. A difference was found in the relationship between male and female otolith size and fish length, and the regression for each sex is shown. The annulus is formed once a year near the intensive spawning period. A bimodal frequency distribution of the Ist annulus size shows that the fish consist of two groups which grow differently. They seem to grow from two groups of the young of the year born at different times in the spawning season. An inverse relationship was recognized between growth in the Ist and 2nd years. With this mechanism, the fish of the group which are born late in a spawning season and have delayed growth almost overtake in size the ones born earlier 2 years after birth. Von Bertalanffy's growth equations were derived from back-calculated lengths of fish with a larger 1st annulus.Male: Lt=307.2(1-e-(0.3436+0.3579t))Female: Lt=357.1(1-e-(0.2459+0.3105t))Adult females had a higher growth rate than males. N. albiflora in Ariake Sound have significantly different growth rates from the Seto Inland Sea population.
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