- 論文の詳細を見る
A more effective releasing program was examined by designing a simulation model which can indicate the survival and growth of released artificial fingerlings. Effects of a carrying capacity on the releasing program were also discussed. Red sea bream in Shijiki Bay was chosen as the subject of the report.Knowledge on the growth, survival and predation, hypothetical suitabilities of the period (June-August) and site for the releasing and carrying capacity were used as the components by formulating. A biomass of released red sea bream was simulated at intervals of five days until the last day of September, using 243 (=35; three initial values of five variables on the program) initial conditions. Three kinds of the judging criterion were used for evaluating the effectiveness.When a biomass in the last day of September was used as a judging criterion, the importance of each item of releasing program can be observed in the following order: size of fingerlings, number of released fish, releasing site, releasing period and number of wild fish. Using the increase rate criterion, superior importance of the releasing site can be indicated. In the case of the unit price index of survival criterion, only the releasing period showed extremely little importance and other items showed similar importances. As the effect of carrying capacity increased, the importance of the releasing period increased and that of the number of released fish decreased.
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