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The characteristics of digestive proteolysis and digestive proteinases in the crabs Geryon affinis and Chionoecetes japonicus were studied. For the two species, optimum pH of general protease activity was around 6 and optimum tem-perature was around 50°C General protease activity was stable at pH 6 for Chionoecetes japonicus and in the range of pH 5-8 for Geryon affinis, respectively. Effect of metal ions on the proteolytic activity was similar in two species. Using both synthetic and natural substrates, identification of proteinases in digestion was performed. Trypsin was found in two species but the activity was very low in Chionoecetes japonicus. Chymotrypsin was not found in both species. Activities of leucine aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase A were found to be very low in the two species. No carboxy-peptidase B was found. Significant hydrolysis of collagen was found in both species. After gel filtration, a proteolytic activity was found in low molecular weight fractions.
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