- 論文の詳細を見る
The dissolved oxygen consumption of the overlying water was studied in the north and south basins of Lake Biwa. Do consumption due to the bottom sediment was estimated from the dissolved oxygen uptake in the core tube. Chemical oxygen uptake in the bottom sediment core were measured separately from total uptake by supplimentation of formalin or mercury chloride. Total DO consumption rates in the north and south basins averaged 0.4g O2/m2/day and 0.02g O2/m2/day, respectively. Chemical oxygen uptake accounted for about 80% and 17% of the total oxygen uptake in the north and south basins. The sulfides accumulation was found to be much higher in the north basin than in the south basin. In both the basins, the concentration of sulfides in the bottom sediment was correlated with chemical DO consumption in the overlying water. Regression analysis suggests that sulfide formation in the bottom sediment is the dominant factor controlling chemical DO consumption in each basin.
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