- 論文の詳細を見る
The rate of freshness-lowering (kf) in fish muscle of a few species (skipjack, mackerel, and sea bream) and the rate of discoloration in skipjack muscle (kc) during storage were investigated by using the chemical indexes (K values; freshness, metMb%; discoloration). An attempt was made to express the temperature dependence on these quality-changes during storage by kinetic parameters (Ea = activation energy, A = frequency factor). Consequently, the relationships of log (100 - K value) or log (100 - metMb%) versus storagetime indicated the first-order reaction, so that the values of kf and kc in sample fishes were obtained from these relationships at the storage temperatures between -40 (or -20) and +20°C. Therefore, the kinetic parameters (Ea, A) on the freshness-lowering or the discoloration of fish muscles were obtained from the ARRHENTUS'S plot of kf or kc values in each sample respectively.
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