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Degradation of dried laver packaged in flexible plastic materials depends on the moisture amount permeating through the packaging materials. Computer simulation was conducted to predict the moisture change in dried laver stored in dried laver stored in the package with or with out desiccant. Water vapor permeabilities of the packaging materials, low density polyethylene and the laminate of oriented polypropylene and low density polyethylene, were in direct proportion to the differences in the partial pressures of water vapor between outside and inside the packages, even if the vapor pressures on both sides were fluctuated. An empirical equation expressing moisture sorption isotherm of dried laver was chosen on the basis of the best available set. A mathematical model of the relation ship between moisture change in dried laver and pakaging conditions was developed based on permeability characteristics of the packages and the sorption equation. Mois-ture chnge in dried laver was experimentally studied under various conditions of packaging and storage. The experimental results was compared with the calculated results obtained by computer simulation using the mathematical model. Experimental value agreed well with theoritical re-sults, indicating that the proposed mathematical model were useful for the predicion of moisture change in dried laver in either a desiccant-free of a desiccant-enclosing packaging system.
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