Analyzing Emergence in Complex Adaptive System: A Sign-Based Model of Stigmergy
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The description and analysis of emergence in complex adaptive system has recently become a topic of great interest in the field of systems, and lots of ideas and methods have been proposed. A Sign-based model of Stigmergy is proposed in this paper. Stigmergy is widely used in complex systems. We pick up “Sign” as a key notion to understand it. A definition of “Sign” is given, which reveals the Signs nature and exploit the significations and relationships carried by the “Sign”. Then, a Sign-based model of Stigmergy is consequently developed, which captures the essential characteristics of Stigmergy. The basic architecture of Stigmergy as well as its constituents are presented and then discussed. The syntax and operational semantics of Stigmergy configurations are given. We illustrate the methodology of analyzing emergence in CAS by using our model.
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