サルの歯肉炎に対するブラッシングの効果について : 歯肉マッサージとプラーク除去の比較
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It has been well recognized that tooth brushing has an important role to prevent and treat gingivitis and periodontitis. Clinically, the effect of tooth brushing for gingival inflammation may be classified into the following two elements, one is plaque control and another gingival massage. However, it has never been experimentally demonstrated.The purpose of this study is to make clear the effect of plaque control and gigival massage in an experimental animal.An adult female monkey, Macacca irus, was used for this study. Its mouth was divided into four quadrants; upper right quadrant for a gingival massage, upper left for a plaque control, lower right for a control, and lower left for a brushing.To cause chronic gingivitis, this monkey had been fed with soft food for four months as a preliminary period. In order to make each study at a corresponding quadrant independently, the following precise plastic covers were used whenever tooth brushing was carried out. One is a gingival cover for plaque control quadrant and another is a coronal cover for gingival massage quadrant.During the experimenpal period of 38 days, tooth brushing was done carefully for each quadrant for one minute and once per every day. Gingival index, plaque score, gingival exudate, pocket depth were measured reqularily and gingival biopsy specimens were taken before and after the experimental period.The results of this study were as follows:1. Inflammation of the gingiva in the control quadrant showed the worst about all examinations.2. The brushing quadrant showed most rapid improvement.3. Inflammation of gingiva in gingival massage quadrant was improved clearly, especially on gingival contour, consistency, pocket depths and gingival inflammation was apparent at the plaque control quadrant, but not so definite as at brushing quadrant.5. It was considered that the reduction of pocket depths is due to the effect of gingival massage.6. Tooth brushing, with the combined effect of plaque control and gingival massage, showed the maximum effect.
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