歯周病とクエン酸の関係に関する研究 : II. スケーリングとブラッシングによる歯周ポケット浸出液および全唾液のクエン酸量
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Clinical findings of the 15 periodontal patients, and the effect of scaling and brushing on the contents of citric acid in their pocket exudate and whole saliva were investigated for five weeks.The following results were obtained:1) PMA index, debris index and pocket depth were significantly improved by scaling and brushing.2) The quantity of pocket exudate was significantly decreased by scaling and brushing.3) The contents of citric acid in pocket exudate and whole saliva were significantly decreased at the end of experimental period.It was concluded that the citric acid contents in pocket exudate and whole saliva from the periodontal patients was closely related to the clinical findings, the former being more closely connected to the periodontal condition than latter.
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