Parasitic Rachipagus Conjoined Twins With Spina Bifida, Diplomyelia, Scoliosis, Tethered Cord Syndrome, and Ventricular Septal Defect : —Case Report—
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A 17-year-old girl presented with a rare case of parasitic rachipagus conjoined twins associated with spina bifida, diplomyelia, scoliosis, tethered cord syndrome, and ventricular septal defect. Physical examination found a well developed breast and an apophysis on the back of the patient, and neuroimaging demonstrated scoliosis, spina bifida from T8 to L5, butterfly-shaped vertebra of T6, abnormal bone behind T7, diplomyelia, and tethered cord. Successful surgical excision of the parasitic mass was performed. Histological examination discovered uterine tube, Mullers duct, bone, cartilage, and nerve tissue besides the mammary gland. Rachipagus conjoined twins are extremely rare, but should be considered if well developed abnormal tissue is found in the dorsal midline of the spine. However, the possibility of malformations in other organs in the autosite should be considered. Careful preoperative examination and refined microsurgery may provide good outcome for the patient.
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