- 論文の詳細を見る
The study deals with automation of deburring by an industrial robot. The aim of the study is a deburring on a paring line of a sand core for casting. For deburring by industrial robot without teaching, tool path of a robot is automatically generated by an image processing technology. However, the tool path tends to have positioning error. In general, most of deburring by an industrial robot copes with positioning error using force control. While the method to compensate the error is easy to use, position control is desirable since the deburring is a kind of cutting. Therefore, the system is developed to correct tool path positioning error using a displacement sensor in real time. The experiment is conducted to compare a workpiece outline with tool path generated from a workpiece image and to deburr the workpiece based on the path. From the experimental result, the system is found effective to remove a burr on a parting line of a sand core.
- ロール測定用高性能レーザ干渉計の開発(機械力学,計測,自動制御)
- 塑性変形型ラピッドプロトタイピングの開発研究 : CADデータに基づいた鍛金加工の成形特性(機械要素,潤滑,工作,生産管理など)
- 機械解剖実習による機械工学導入教育
- アブレイシブジェットによる金型仕上げ(入射角度とアブレイシブジェットの壊食特性との関係)
- 産業用ロボットを用いたばり取り作業の自動化(中子のパーティングラインのばり取り)