I. 結核の研究と診療における倫理
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The following topics were discussed in the lecture.<BR>1. Structure of clinical medicine.<BR>2. Physician scientist.<BR>3. Science and ethics.<BR>A scientist must be responsible at least ethically for “uncertain consequence”of his research. Even medical science of today is a system of insufficient information and medical progress might result sometimes in unexpected outcome. In order to enhance welfare of human being and at the same time guard the society from “disease of medical progress”, a balance between unrestricted creative activity of investigators and severely critical evaluation by the fellow scientists and physicians is indespensable. In addition to it, scientists can not reject the assess ment of the society, for science is not the only value but one of values and medicine is science not only on but for human being.<BR>4. Ethics for medical research.<BR>“Primum non nocere” is one of the most important instructions for clinical scientists but it is also true that medical progress depends largely on a brave doctor who dares to make entirely new trial on man. Easy extrapolation of animal data to bed side is unscientific and unethical because of insurmountable species difference. It is the greatest ethical dilemma in medical research that an investigator is obliged to run a risk to utilize a healthy or sick person as an experimental subject, if he wants to be ethical. Declaration of Helsinki and other ethical codes are for the purpose of dealing with the difficulties.<BR>5. Ethics for medical care.<BR>Medical care is based on relationship between patients and physicians, not between myco bacteria and rifampicin. The operational way of thinking is essential especially for control of tuberculosis, but as a man is always extraordinary and “einmalig”, medical care must finally aim at individualization. In other words, individual morality should predominate statistical morality.<BR>It is not physicians exclusive duty to transmit information from laboratory to bed side. Feedback action from bed side is also essential for sound progress in clinical medicine. For instance, monitoring system covering practioners is the most important safeguard against adverse drug reactions.<BR>The purpose of medical care is not only to add hours to life but also to add life to hours and it is beyond question that recent advance in medical science has largely contributed to alleviate even untractable disease. But medicine of today is successful sometimes only in pro longing patients life without restoring independence in daily living and dignity of man. From technological point of view, medical care might have nothing to do with vegitable state, senile idioty, etc., but from ethical point of view, a physician can not disregard a hopeless case. Medical progress raised a very difficult problem of basic importance: what is life? what is a man? and what is medical care
- 呼吸器病学を中心に (〔最新医学〕500号記念座談会--戦後40余年--医学の進歩を語る)
- F-72. ブレオマイシンによる肺癌の治療 : 治療 V
- Rifampicinの高desacetylationと副作用について
- 1.臨床試験の科学性と倫理性(リハビリテーションにおける効果判定)
- 臨床医学研究法序説
- 大村潤四郎さんを悼む
- 治療効果の考え方 : とくにRh医学に関連して
- リハビリテーション医学理念の形成と成熟
- 人間世界の出来事としての安全性問題(医薬品の安全性を考える)
- 3.医療薬学教育に何を求めるか : 1)臨床医の立場から(医療薬学教育はどうあるべきか)
- 障害論の100年 : 森鴎外からICIDHまで
- 二木 立・上田 敏著世界のリハビリテーション(A5判, 230頁 定価4,500円 300 1980年医歯薬出版) : リハビリテーションと障害者福祉の国際比較
- 医療の中の薬 : 医療チームの中の薬剤師
- 「目でみるリハビリテーション医学」 東大リハビリテーション部 上田敏著(A4変形, 80ページ, 2200円, 東大出版会)
- 私達の眼の前にあるもの
- リハビリテーション医療の新しい展開と理学療法士
- 生命の質と医療の質
- 薬効再評価--それは臨床家にとって何を意味するか (薬物療法の実際)
- リハビリテ-ションのための統計学-1-統計の考え方,統計的な考え方
- リハビリテ-ション医学理念の成立--歴史的回顧 (リハビリテ-ションの歴史)
- Rifampicinの高desacetylationと副作用について
- 肺結核の短期化学療法の評価 (第1報) : 国療化研第19次・20次A研究
- I. 結核の研究と診療における倫理
- 老人の結核
- Rifampicinの人体内代謝 (第1報)
- サルのINH代謝型
- 遊離INHの新化学的定量法によるINH代謝の研究(第2報)
- Free INHの新定量法によるINH代謝の研究(第1報)
- Naphthohydroquinone Dehydrogenase in Human Saliva
- タイトル無し