- 論文の詳細を見る
236 Macaca irus imported from Cambodia, Malaya and Viet Nam were loaded with 4 mg/kg, 8 mg/kg or 16 mg/kg of body weight of isoniazid orally and 4 or 6 hour plasma levels of the biologically active isoniazid were determined by the vertical diffusion technique. As indicated in Fig.1, 2 and 3, the sign of trimodality was show n in some experiments, but the final result of our experiment revealed only bimodal distribution as shown in Fig.4. Investigation of the acetylating capacity of the organ homogenate demonstrated that a l so the kidney and the spleen acetylated sometimes isoniazid as shown in Fig.5. We were not successful to demonstrate a close relationship between the acetylating activity of the liver homogenate on the one hand and the blood level of the biologically active isoniazid on the other as indicated in Fig.6. This report was presented to the 8 th annual meeting of the Japan Society of Human Genetics and the resume was published in the Japanese Journal of Human Genetics 8, 283, 1963.
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- 「目でみるリハビリテーション医学」 東大リハビリテーション部 上田敏著(A4変形, 80ページ, 2200円, 東大出版会)
- 私達の眼の前にあるもの
- リハビリテーション医療の新しい展開と理学療法士
- 生命の質と医療の質
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- タイトル無し