3年間の結核特別対策の成績からみた神戸市長田区の結核まん延状況の変化 : 第2報患者登録票からみた新登録患者, 死亡者の疫学的特性
- 論文の詳細を見る
An epidemiological survey was carried out on the effects of the special tuberculosis control programme conducted during the period from 1969 to 1971 in Nagata-ku, Kobe City.<BR>The coverage of the mass survey for general inhabitants was verly low in the area and it rised up to 50 to 70%, and moreover, an attempt has been made to promote patients to receive treatment regularly by using the “communication memo” between physicians and the health center. Though three years period might be too short to obtain some effects, the evaluation of the programme was made by analyzing the epidemiological status of newly registered cases and of tuberculosis death.<BR>The results obtained are as follows:<BR>1) As to the role of foreigners in the prevalence of tuberculosis in the area, the proportion of foreigners among newly registered cases and tuberculosis death were 4-5% and less than 7%, respectively.<BR>2) The number of moved-in patients for the sake of receiving treatment was less than 2% among newly registered cases, and less than 6% among tuberculosis death.<BR>3) The number and the rate of newly detected patients to the whole newly registered cases decreased year by year.<BR>4) The number and the rate of families with tuberculosis patients in the same family showed reduction.<BR>5) The number and the rate of cases with previous history of tuberculosis has been increasing.<BR>6) The number and the rate of cases newly detected by the mass survey has been increasing.<BR>7) The number and the rate of active infectious cases at the time of registration to cases with previous history of tuberculosis increased year by year.<BR>8) The number and the rate of tuberculosis death remained on the same level.<BR>9) The number of those who were registered and died of tuberculosis in Nagata-ku in creased slightly.<BR>10) Of tuberculosis deaths, 57 to 68% were active infectious at the time of registration.<BR>11) The duration of disease from registration to tuberculosis death was 4.0±3.2, 5.2±3.6 and 4.0±3.7 years, respectively, in 1968, 1969 and 1970.<BR>12) The number of tuberculosis death which were not registered previously was 22, 13 and 14, respectively, in 1968, 1969 and 1970.<BR>The above mentioned findings are summarized as follows: a) many previously unknown patients were detected in accordance with the expansion of the mass survey, b) the detection rate of new cases by the mass survey was first rather high, and it reduced gradually, c) no decrease was seen in the number of tuberculosis death during this period.<BR>Comparing the incidence rate of newly registered cases and the prevalence of active tuberculosis in Nagata-ku, Kobe City and the whole country, the incidence rate in Nagata-ku and that in the whole country decreased faster than the rate in Kobe City: while the prevalence of active tuberculosis in Nagata-ku and that in Kobe City fell more rapidly than that in the whole country.<BR>In conclusion, the special tuberculosis control programme of 3 years period consisting mainly of the mass survey for general inhabitants and workers in smaller enterprises and the supervision of detected cases gave some effects on the incidence rate and the prevalence of tuberculosis while it gave no influence on tuberculosis mortality.
- 3年間の結核特別対策の成績からみた神戸市長田区の結核まん延状況の変化 : 第2報患者登録票からみた新登録患者, 死亡者の疫学的特性
- 治療脱落結核患者の治療復帰への一つの試み「結核患者医療状況連絡簿」を使用する主治医と保健婦の結びつきをめぐって
- 3年間の結核特別対策の成績からみた神戸市長田区の結核まん延状況の変化-1-住民検診および小零細企業結核検診による要医療者の発見状況