- 論文の詳細を見る
The most robust associations with clinical outcomes after rotator cuff repair were measures of pain and function. However, little information is available regarding the pain threshold in the affected shoulder after surgery. To identify the relationship between pain associated with a rotator cuff tear and clinical outcomes of the patients, we measured the pressure pain threshold (PPT) on the shoulders. Thirty-three patients (23 males and 10 females, mean age: 63 years old) who underwent arthroscopic rotator cuff repair participated. An electronic pressure algometer was used to measure PPT on the rotator interval and the acromion of bilateral shoulders. Linear relationships were identified between PPT and the range of external rotation pre- and post-operatively. PPT also had a significant correlation with JOA and UCLA shoulder scores. These results indicated that peripheral nociceptive nerves sensitization, changing the PPT in the affected area, caused for lower ranges of motion and clinical outcomes. It suggested that the measurement of pain threshold on the affected shoulders may be useful in research in predicting the intensity of postoperative function.
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