第52回総会特別講演 : I. 先天的胸腺欠損ヌードマウスならびに無菌マウスを用いた結核感染の実験的研究
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Two aspects of host defense mechanisms involved in tuberculosis infection were studied usingexotic experimental animals; germ-free (GF) and congenitally athymic nude mice.<BR>Germ-free mice were used to investigate the role of microbial flora on resistance to tuberculosisinfection. A low level of resistance to a virulent strain of Mycobacterium bovis was observed in GF mice, showing shorter survival time and higher number of bacillary counts in organs as well asseverer lesions than in flora-bearing mice having the same genetical background. The low levelof resistance to the infection in GF mice seemed to be correlated with inadequate tuberculinhypersensitivity, which was revealed by footpad reaction, macrophage disappearance reaction andmacrophage migration in hibition test. The induction of sensitized lymphocytes seemed to beinfluenced by concomittantly existing intestinal floral organisms. However, the re constitution of microbial flora resulted in only tuberculin hypersensitivity but not the full recovery of resistanceto infection.<BR>The role of the thymus in resistance to a virulent strain of M. bovis was investigated usingcongenitally athymic nude mice. In nude mice, septicemia infection with wide-spread necroticexudative foci but rather slight pulmonary involvement was produced. Such fulminating infectionwas prevented to some degree by reconstituting the immunological activity of nude mice throughthymus grating or transfer of thymus-derived cells from syngeneic haired mice. This was confirmedby longer survival times and lower bacillary counts in organs than non-reconstituted nude mice, and severer pulmonary lesions and epithelioid granulomas comparable to in euthymic mice. With Japanese BCG, a limited degree of resistance was observed in nude mice with a plateau ofbacillary growth curves and restriction of spreading of lesions in the liver and lymphoreticularorgans, while they had progressive lesions in the lungs and kidneys. Various connective tissues, especially of subcutaneous and periosteal regions as well as in the brain were also involved, suggesting these lesions might be responsible for clinical symptoms observed at the final stages of the prolonged infection with BCG.<BR>Use of these exotic experimental animals in regard to the microbial and genetic conditionsseems to be of advantage and even essential to elucidate the host defense mechanisms to tuberculosisinfection.
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- 第52回総会特別講演 : I. 先天的胸腺欠損ヌードマウスならびに無菌マウスを用いた結核感染の実験的研究