右上葉無気肺を呈したEndobronchial Tuberculosisの1例
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A case of endobronchial tuberculosis complicated with atelectasis of upper lobe of the right lung is reported. A 79-years old female was admitted to our hospital for rehabilita tion of her Perkinsonisms.<BR>On admission, her chest X-ray photo showed atelectasis of right upper lobe.<BR>A nodule of a broad-bean size was observed at the orifice of the right upper bronchus by a bronchofiberscopic examination and it was considered as the cause of the atlectasis.<BR>Histological examination of a specimen obtained by transbronchial biopsy of this nodule showed epithelioid granuloma.<BR><I>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</I> was isolated from a bronchial washing after 4-weeks cultivation.<BR>Anti-tuberculous treatment with INH, RFP and EB was started on January 1992. and, consequently, her chest X-ray findings showed remarkable improvment.<BR>Bronchofiberscopic examination in January 1993 showed a marked reduction in the size of the nodule, and the atelectactic shadow had disappeared and just a residual scar was observed on her chest X-ray photo in June 1993.