1975年度結核長期入院患者の追跡調査成績 (第2報) なお入院中のものについて
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Those who still continued to stay in hospitals untill June of 1981 were 501 patients. Out of them, 136 patients (27.1%) expectorated tubercle bacilli constantly, 50 patients (10.0%) occasionally, and tubercle bacilli were negative in 307 patients (61.3%)<BR>Tubercle bacilli were found frequently in those who were under 49 years old (47.0%), positive sputum at 1975 (87.8%), advanced cases (53.1%) and already used manydrugs (57.4%).<BR>Vital capacity of 14 patients (2.8%) was 80% or more of predicted, while in 297 patients it was 49% or under of predicted and it was unable to measure for 50 patients. There were tendency that pulmonary failures were often observed in younger pat ients.<BR>How many patients had diseases in addition to tuberculosis was investigated on the patients in hospitals. Respiratory diseases beside tuberculosis were found in 222 patients (44.3%) and diseases of fhe other organs were found in 225 patients (44.5%) and none was found in 142 patients (28.3%). Extra-respiratory diseases were found frequently in older ages and it was 71.2% in 70 years and older patients.
論文 | ランダム
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