肺の遅延型アレルギー反応 (肺肉芽腫形成過程) における気管支随伴リンパ組織 (BALT) の役割について
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Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) is considered to play an important role for the local immune response of the lung. We have been studying the function of BALT in delayed-type hypersensitive reaction of the lung. Our previous report showed that BALT of rabbits was histologically divisible into four different areas: lymphoepitheliallayer (LE), dome area (DA), follicular area (FA), and parafollicular area (PFA), and that the structure of BALT changed in rabbits sensitized with heat-killed bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG). In the present study we researched the distribution of imrnurloglobulin (Ig) (IgG, IgA, and IgM)- positive cells and T cells in the lungs and BALT in both normal rabbits and rabbits with pulmonary granulomas induced by primary and secondary intravenous sensitization with heat-killed BCG. We detected Ig positive cells by the direct immunoperoxidase technique, using horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-labeled anti rabbit IgG-, anti rabbit IgA-, and anti rabbit IgM-IgG antibody. Also we detected T cells by the indirect immunoper oxidase technique, using M-108monoclonal antibody specific for rabbit T cells.<BR>The following results have been obtained.<BR>1) In the normal rabbit-BALT the distribution of the cells was as follows: LE; This area was consisted mainly of IgG-positive cells, IgA-positive cells and T cells. IgMpositive cells were scarce. DA; IgG-positive cells, IgM-positive cells and T cells could be seen in this area. FA: A center of FA is distributed by a number of surfaces IgM-posltlve cells. A slight degree of infiltration of IgG-positive cells and T cells was found in this area. PFA; This area was consisted mainly of T cells. There were also a number of IgG-positive cells and IgA-positive cells and small number of IgM-positive cells.<BR>2) In normal rabbits a nurnber of IgG-positive cells and IgA-positive cells were seen within bronchial walls, and a few of these cells were found in bronchiolar walls and alveolar septa. IgM-positive cells distributed sparsely in the bronchial walls. The number of the Ig-positive cells distributing in the bronchial walls was closely ralated to the degree of the development of BALT.<BR>3) A marked in filtration of IgG-positive cells and IgA-positive cells was seen in the peripheral regions of the epithelioid cell granulomas from one day after the secondary BCG-sensitization, and then the number of these cells increased gradually. The number of the cells in the granulomas reached the peak three weeks after the sensitization, and subsequently decreased.<BR>4) The number of sIgM-positive cells in FA markedly increased from four days after the secondary sensitization, and the findings could be recognized continuously for the subsequent five weeks.<BR>The above results suggest that BALT may control the production of immunoglobulins of the lung, which may modify the delayed-type hypersensitive reaction in the lung.
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