- 論文の詳細を見る
The behaviors of a charged particle which moves from a point of week field toward a strong field region in cusped field are investigated. <BR>The equation of motion of a charged particle in cusped field is non-linear and second order with respect to r or a in cylindrical coordinates. <BR>By certain transformation which eliminate non-linear terms, it can be reduced to the same kind of equation as that represents the motion of a charged particle in a homogeneous magnetic field which varies in time. <BR>If the change in the magnetic field over the distance which a charged particle displaces during one gyration is small, the approximate solution of it can be obtained by means of WKB method. <BR>Such a solution reveals the adiabatic orbit of a charged particle, and also its adiabatic invariant can be obtained. <BR>The region in which a charged particle behaves as an adiabatic one is roughly estimated.
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