ヌードマウス可移植性amelanotic melanomaでの実験的化学療法
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Various anticancer agents, immunotherapeutic agents and calcium antagonists were administered singly or jointly to nude mice bearing HMG tumor which was induced by transplanting the HMG cell that derived from gingival malignant melanoma and the effects were examined macroscopically and histologically. In addition, the body weight ratio, survival rate and hematology were examined to check side effects.<BR>DTIC, a drug of the first choice in the clinical treatment for malignant melanoma, showed no effect in this study, while PEP, CDDP, MPL, VCR, and TA-077 as a single anticancer agent revealed a retardated effect on the tumor proliferation. The effect was more reinforced when combined two or three drugs among them.<BR>A tumor regressing effect was obtained with PSK+ACNU, PSK+TA-077, Lentinan+TA-077 and Bestatin+TA-077 combinations, while a retardated effect on the tumor proliferation was observed with PSK+CDDP and PSK+MPL. Furthermore, a most favorable effect was obtained following the combined therapy with PSK+TA-077, showing Grade III complete regression in 3 out of 6 mice histologically.<BR>On the 30th day after the single dose of CRD, the proliferation of tumor cells was stimulated. A tumor retardated effect was obtained in the early stage (12th day) after the combined therapy of MPL with TA-077, however, no difference was demonstrated later on (30th day).<BR>In experimental animals which had showed a retardated effect on the tumor proliferation with B. C. L. P., a statistically significant difference was observed. Histologically, more than Grade IIa regression could be detected following the administration of CDDP (i. v.), CDDP (i. m.), MPL+ CDDP, MPL+DTIC, MPL+TA-077, PSK+CDDP, PSK+ACNU, PSK+TA-077, Lentinan+TA-077, Bestatin+TA-077, MPL+VCR+TA-077 and DTIC+VCR+TA-077.<BR>According to the results of body weight ratio, 90 days survival rate and hematological determinations, it seemed resonable to define the toxic dose as a dose providing a reduction in body weight of 20% or more and the sub-toxic dose of 10% or more.
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