Ultrasonic studies of diseases of the jaws.
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A ultrasonic study was performed in 71 patients with various jaw diseases (benign and malignant tumors, cysts, fractures) using 3.5-MHz electronic scan and 5-MHz or 7.5-MHz arc scan in immersion method.<BR>The results are summarized below.<BR>Ultrasonograms can delineate not only soft tissues (skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle tissue) but also jaw bones; however, only strong echoes from the surface can be obtained in the case of jaw.<BR>The inside of bone is delineated in jaw diseases with destructed or thinned cortical bones. These internal echoes can be classified into three types as follows.<BR>1. Cystic pattern: Anechoic pattern<BR>2. Solid pattern: Echoic pattern<BR>3. Mixed pattern: Anechoic and echoic patterns<BR>Benign bone tumors and cysts in general demonstrated a bulging cortical margin distinct from the surrounding tissues. The internal echoes usually varied in cases of benign bone tumors, but those of bone cysts were of cystic pattern except for a solid pattern observed in one case due to the acoustic structure of the cyst contents.<BR>Most of malignant tumors showed a solid pattern with irregular and/ or unclear margin. When a tumor invaded the surrounding tissues, the pattern there become hypoechogenic.<BR>In the case of fracture, a displacement and separation of bone fragment was noted while the surrounding tissues showed a hypoechoic pattern with slightly well defined margin due to the degeneration of tissue. The postoperative course was objectively followed with time lapse by serial ultrasonic examination.<BR>The ultrasonic examination is a valuable additional tool, providing important informations on jaw diseases.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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