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We succeeded in devising a new method for the surgical removal of mucoceles. This method is different from previous removal methods which use various impression materials for injection. An α-cyanoacrylate monomer adhesive is injected into the cystic cavity to coagulate (not to replace) its contents and cyst walls and remove them en bloc quite easily. Our surgical method is as follows:<BR>An 18-gauge needle on a 2.5-cc syringe is inserted into the cyst, and some of the fluid within the cyst is aspirated. The syringe is then replaced with the one containing the α-cyanoacrylate monomer adhesive, and the adhesive is injected into the cyst. After the adhesive coagulates, the mass is easily removed as in the case of enucleation of a substantial benign tumor. Finally the wound is sutured.
- エホバの証人信者に生じ, 下顎変形をきたした巨大なセメント質形成線維腫の1例
- 50.咬合挙上装置の硬さが全身筋力へ及ぼす効果
- 舌扁平上皮癌治療後,反対側口底部に生じた紡錘細胞癌の1例
- 611.咬合挙上装置の硬さが全身筋力へ及ぼす効果
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- 第164回 (社) 日本口腔外科学会関東地方会講演抄録
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- A case of neuroendocrine carcinoma arising in the lateral border of the tongue.
- 側方舌弁によって悪性腫瘍切除欠損部への再建を行った3症例
- Experience of reconstruction of the tongue by the radial forearm flap and the ulnar forearm flap.
- Methicillin and cephem-resistant staphylococcus aureus infection; Report of 2 cases.
- 下顎骨に発生した動静脈奇形
- 下顎歯肉に発生したIgA-λ型髄外形質細胞腫の1例
- Trismus due to torus-like morphological change at posterior aspect of articular eminence of temporal bone.
- 腫瘍を疑わしめた口蓋腺過形成の1例
- 上顎癌切除後の開口障害ならびに頬部皮膚穿孔の1治験例
- 悪性神経鞘腫 本邦での頭頸部領域の報告例の臨床的検討および症例報告
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Neurilemoma of the cheek: Report of a case.