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Sports have become very popular and, independently their of age, a great part of the population is practicing some kind of physical activity. Some of them seek to keep in shape and in good health, others have taken sports professionally.<BR>Recent reports have shown an increasein traumat ic injuries related to sports of which maxillo-facial injuries accounted for 6 %.<BR>Here we report on a survey of oral and maxillo-facial injuries suffered by rugby players in 1984. Questionnaires were sent to the 1, 570 rugby teams that constitute the West Rugby Football Union in Japan.<BR>Among the 821 teams that replied, the total number of reported injured persons was 235. Of these, 5 suffered maxillary bone fractures, 15 had mandibular bone fractures and 215 suffered teeth fractures.<BR>Teams were classified into 5 groups according to age: Group A, composed of elementary school students; Group B, junior high school students; Group C, senior high school students; Group D, college students and Group E, club teams.<BR>We were also interested in when players were more prone to injuries, that is during games or during training.<BR>The results were as follows: in Group A, 3 children suffered teeth fractures, all during training. Group B reported 12 students with teeth fractures, 4 occurred during games and 8 during training. In Group C, 3 maxillary bone fractures were reported, 2 during games and 1 during training; also, 4 mandibular bone fractures that happened during games and 5 during training. Besides, 93 cases of teeth fractures were reported, 43 during games and 50 during training.<BR>The total number of injured persons reported in this group was 105. In Group D, 2 cases of maxillary bone fractures were reported, 1 during games and 1 during training; also, 3 mandibular bone fractures that happened during games only, and 37 cases of teeth fractures of which 19 occurred during games and 18 during training. In Group E, 3 mandibular bone fractures that occurred only during games were reported; also, 70 cases of teeth fractures, 54 during games and 16 during training.<BR>From the data presented here, we concluded that a mouth guard to prevent these injuries should be adopted by rugby players during training as well as games.
吉岡 済
前田 憲昭
伴 由美
折山 弘
片野 清
村田 保男
森下 裕子
折山 弘
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