Clinical and pathological findings of displacement of the temporomandibular joint disc.
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Surgical treatment was performed in 12 cases of discopathy of the temporomandibular joint with displacement of the articular disc. Clinical and pathological studies on these cases gave the following results.<BR>1. Classification of the type of displacement of the articular disc showed 6 anterio-lateral type cases, 5 anterior type and 1 anterio-medial type.<BR>2. In 9 cases, the injury to the articular disc was serious and adhesion to the condylar head was also observed.<BR>3. In 2 cases, the articular disc had a horizontal rupture as well as a transverse rupture.<BR>4. Rupture of the organizing collagenous fibers of the articular disc was seen in all cases, including 3 cases in which no macroscopic injury to the articular disc was found.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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