徳島大学歯学部口腔病理学教室における5年間の病理組織診断について-I. 病変の種類と頻度-
- 論文の詳細を見る
This study is based on an analysis of biopsy specimens that were diagnosed histopathologically in Department of Oral Pathology, Tokushima University School of Dentistry from 1979 to 1983.<BR>1. The total number of the specimens during this five years were 1, 624 and it corresponded to 1, 248 cases (patients).<BR>2. About 66.4% of all the specimens in this series were represented by the 20 different types of common lesions. About 17.5% of the 1, 624 specimens were squamous cell carcinoma, 10.0% were radicular cysts and 6.3% were mucous cysts.<BR>3. The most common cases of the 1, 248 patiens were radicular cysts which showed about 12.4% of all the cases, followed by 7.5% of mucous cysts and 6.8% of squamous cell carcinoma.<BR>4. Therefore, a number of the specimens per each case were many in the malignant tumors.<BR>5. The cystic lesions revealed the largest group in this series, and composed 467 cases (37.5%) of all 1, 248 cases. The tumorous lesions followed with 198 cases (15.9%) of all the cases.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
金城 孝
小守 昭
東 富雄
谷 慶明
藤田 明代
三橋 由利子
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- 徳島大学歯学部口腔病理学教室における5年間の病理組織診断について-I. 病変の種類と頻度-
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