徳島大学歯学部口腔病理学教室における5年間の病理組織診断について-III. 嚢胞病変-
- 論文の詳細を見る
This study is based on an analysis of biopsy specimens that were diagnosed histopathologically in the Department of Oral Pathology, Tokushima University School of Dentistry from 1979 to 1983. This paper reported with special reference to the cystic lesion in this series.<BR>1. The total number of the specimens related to cystic lesions during these five years were 520 and it corresponded to 467 cases. Of the 467 cases, 266 cases (57.0%) were the cysts of jaw bones, 73 cases (15.6%) were the cysts associated with the maxillary antrum, 107 cases (22.9%) were cysts in the soft tissues, one case was calcifying odontogenic cyst and 20 cases were unclassified.<BR>2. The most common cyst of jaw bones was radicular (residular) cyst (62%) and followed by dentigerous cyst and primordial cyst.<BR>3. The age distribution of the radicular cyst in this series tend to be found at a somewhat older age than the other reports. About 61% of the radicular cysts was found in the maxilla. The most common site of the radicular cyst was in the maxillary lateral incisor and followed by the mandibular first molar and the maxillary central incisor, etc.<BR>4. The age distribution of the dentigerous cyst in this series also tend to be found at a somewhat older age than the other reports. The most common site of the dentigerous cyst was in the mandibular third molar and followed by the maxillary anterior teeth.<BR>5. The most common cyst in the soft tissue was mucous retention cyst. They were 89 cases in this series and 59 cases (66%) of them occurred in the lower lip.<BR>All mucous retention cysts in this series were extravasation cyst.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
金城 孝
小守 昭
東 富雄
谷 慶明
谷 慶明
藤田 明代
三橋 由利子
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