Diagnostic value of salivary gland scintigraphy using 99mTc-pertechnetate.
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Various diagnostic methods are employed for salivary gland diseases. Among these, salivary gland scintigraphy employing <SUP>99m</SUP>Tc-pertechnetate is widely used in determining both morphological and functional statuses. In this paper, we evaluated the diagnostic value of this method.<BR>Fifty nine cases were examined in this study: 2 cases of acute sialoadenitis, 12 cases of chronic submandibular sialoadenitis, 14 cases of chronic parotitis, 4 cases of benign submandibular gland tumor, 7 cases of benign parotid tumor, 2 cases of malignant tumor, 3 cases of cyst, 3 cases of Sjögren's syndrome, 8 cases of xerostomia, and 4 cases of sialolithiasis.<BR><SUP>99m</SUP>Tc-pertechnetate was administered i.v. at a dose of 5-10mCi. After about 10 minutes, antero-posterior, right lateral, and left lateral views of the face were obtained. Bilateral parotid and/or submandibular glands were selected as R.O.I.and time activity curves were obtained. As a stimulation test, lemon juice was administered after another 10 minutes, and anteroposterior views of the face were obtained.<BR>An analysis was carried out with three parameters: accumulation patterns (AP), the secretory patterns after the stimulation test (SP) and the stimulatory sacretion ratio (SSR) expressed as the ratio of post-to pre-stimulation counts on the salivary glands.AP were subclassified into five images: defective, decreased, normal, increased and enlarged. SP were also subclassified into five patterns (A-E).<BR>The following results were obtained:<BR>1) "Defective" images were an aid to differentiation between tumors except Warthin's tumor and other diseases.<BR>2) "Increased" image with tumorous swelling were strongly indicative of Warthin's tumor, but more detailed examinations were required.<BR>3) Differences in accumulations in Sjögren's syndrome and xerostomia were useful in distinguishing between the two diseases.<BR>4) SP was helpful in differentiating between Sjögren's disease and xerostomia.<BR>5) The SSR was more effective than SP for evaluation of minuter secretory functions.<BR>6) Salivary gland scintigraphy employing <SUP>99m</SUP>Tc-pertechnetate therefore appears to be an extremely useful diagnostic method for salivary gland diseases.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
細田 超
川崎医科大学 口腔外科
畑 毅
小若 純久
瀬上 夏樹
福田 道男
小若 純久
畑 毅
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