Giantiform cementoma of the mandible: A case report.
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Giantiform cementoma, a type of cementoma accorded to the WHO classifiction in 1971, is rarely seen in the literatures. A case of this tumor is reported with a summary as follows. A bony swelling as found on the body and ramus of the mandible of a refered 83-year-old woman. The smooth expansion covered with normal mucosa has persisted for about 40 yrs and slowly enlarged with no symptoms. In X-ray showed a demarcated radiopaque shadow with parts slightly radiolucent. The shadow seemed to be capsulated with healthy thin cortex. This was thought to be a benign tumor. A block dissection of the mandible was made. The dissected tumor was extremely hard with a yellowish cut-surface. The decarcified specimen was stained with H.E. for a subsequent microscopic examination.<BR>Connective tissue and infiltrated cells were nearly absent. In the central portion, basophilic hard tissue had formed and seemed to be primary cementum in such characteristics as dyeing fatigue and split spaces with no inclusion of cells. At the peripheral, and coexistence of the bone, fibrous and fat tissues could be seen. Substitution of bone by cementum and formation of cemeticles showing hematoxylin-line were also observed. On the basis of the above findings, a diagnosis of giantiform cementoma of the mandible was made.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
山本 哲也
尾崎 登喜雄
米田 和典
前田 好正
広田 重水
加藤 斉
加藤 斉
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