- 論文の詳細を見る
Rhabdomyosarcomas are generally classified as of the following; pleomorphic, alveolar, embryonal, and hotryoid (Horn and Enterline 1958). The malignant tumors arise from striated muscle tissue or undifferentiated mesenchymal tissue, and therefore may occurthroughout the body.<BR>Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma is uncommon and highly malignant. It occurs mainly in children and young adults, and is found most often in the genito-urinary tract and in the nasopharynx.<BR>In this article we report on a case of a 29 year old man with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the cheek.<BR>The patient was referred on October 19, 1979 with a complaint of left cheek swelling. He reported that he had noticed a ricegrain-sized tumor on the left cheek mucosa about 3 months before (in August, 1979) and also that it had grown gradually ever since to be big enough to be touched from the outside. Pathological examination of biopsy specimen diagnosed the tumor as embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma. On October 23, 1979 we performed leftside partial maxillectomy, tumor extirpation, and neck dissection. On post-ope 13 th day tumor recurrence was observed, and chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, vincristin), irradiation, and LASER surgery were performed. Then he was tumor-free for approximately 3 months. However, the tumor recurred twice in his left neck, and we administrated VAC and also performed surgery. Despite of these treatments, tumor growth in neck and lung metastasis could not be controlled and the patient died May, 1982.<BR>In this case the patient alived for 2 years and 7 months after the first examination. The combination of surgery, irradiation, and chemotherapy can be regarded to have contributed to life prolongation.
寺延 治
三木 高憲
島田 桂吉
繁田 幸慶
緒方 貴美博
谷垣 信吾
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