延伸ポリ四フッ化エチレンExpanded polytetrafluoroethylene (Gore-Tex<SUP>®</SUP>) の骨再生に関する実験的研究
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The purpose of the present study was to examine three types of Expanded-Polytetrafluoroethylene (Gore-Tex<SUP>®</SUP> EPTFE Patch), namely Soft Tissue Patch, Cardiovascular Patch and Surgical Membrane as for whether they could be used as suitable synthetic materials for restoration of bone cavities. Twenty dogs were used in this experiment. Bone cavities were covered with materials subperiosteally and later examined histologically. The results were as follows;<BR>1) Soft Tissue Patch<BR>Healing of bone cavity wound was uneventful macroscopically throughout the study. In week 6 the bone cavity was filled with a new bone tissue, and the penetration of new bone tissue into porous structures of the material was also seen. Furthermore, maturation of the new bone tissue was found in week 8. In addition, microradiographic and von Kossa stain findings showed that penetration of the new bone tissue extended into structures along the material surface.<BR>2) Cardiovascular Patch<BR>Bone cavity wound was filled with a new bone tissue similar to the case of Soft Tissue Patch, however. penetration of the new bone tissue into porous structures of Cardiovascular Patch was seen more internally than that in Soft Tissue Patch group. The material from the bone cavity wound was seen on occasion. Moreover, fibrous connective tissue was also seen between the material and new bone tissue. The infiltration of cells into the microporous structure was not found throughout the study period.<BR>The result of the present study suggested that Soft Tissue Patch and Cardiovascular Patch had excellent biocompatibilities to bone tissue and were considered as useful synthetic materials for restoration of bone defect.
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- 延伸ポリ四フッ化エチレンExpanded polytetrafluoroethylene (Gore-Tex®) の骨再生に関する実験的研究
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