- 論文の詳細を見る
I studied the effect of estradiol on prevention of cleft lip in A/J mice using whole embryo culture system. Embryos of the 10.5th day of gestation (plug day=0) were harvested from untreated pregnant mice, pregnant mice injected subcutaneously with 25μg/kg of estradiol or the solvent of hormone on the 9. 5th day of gestation. As a control of untreated A/J mouse embryos, C 57 BL/6 mouse embryos of same developmental stage were used. These embryos were cultured for 48 hours in pure rat serum containing 2mg/m<I>l</I> of glucose and antibiotics with continuous supply of 95% 0<SUB>2</SUB> and 5% CO<SUB>2</SUB> mixture gas by a rotating culture system at 25 to 10 rpm. Both A/J and C 57 BL/6 mouse embryos showed manifest growth and development <I>in vitro</I>. The incidence of cleft lip <I>in vivo</I> in A/J and C 57 BL/6 mice at the 18th day of gestation is 6.2% and 0% respectively. No cleft lip was observed in cultured C 57 BL/6 mouse embryos. Cleft lip was observed in 51.2% of untreated and 52.2% of solvent treated A/J mouse embryos <I>in vitro</I>. By contrast, in estradiol treated group, the incidence of cleft lip was decreased significantly to 21.3% (p<0.001). These results indicate that the effects of estradiol treatment act to the embryos before primary palate formation, and that the genetical predisposition of cleft lip in A/J mouse embryos become resistant to cleft lip.
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