Assessment of structural mechanics of osteosynthesis with titanium miniplates.
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This paper describes a method for determining the displacement of bone segments under application of a static load to evaluate the stability of the fractured mandible fixed with titanium miniplates.<BR>1.In single miniplate fixation of linear-shaped acrylic resin models, fixation with a4-hole lona miniplate at either the upper or lower 1/3 area gave better resistance to displacement than fixation with a 4-hole regular miniplate.<BR>2.In single miniplate fixation of linear-shaped acrylic resin models, fixation with a 4-hole regular miniplate at either the upper or lower 1/3 area had no affect on the displacement.<BR>3.In single miniplate fixation of linear-shaped acrylic resin models, fixation with a 4-hole long miniplate at either the upper or lower 1/3 area also had no affect on the displacement.<BR>4.Fixation with two miniplates yielded more resistance to displacement than fixation with one miniplate in both the linear-shaped and U-shaped acrylic resin models.<BR>5.In simulatory osteosynthesis in the body region with one miniplate, the largest displacement was recorded by fixation at the upper 1/3 area with a 4-hole regular miniplate. However, large displacement was recorded by the other modes of single miniplate fixation.<BR>6.In simulatory osteosynthesis at the median region with one miniplate, the displacement was smallest by fixation at the lower 1/3 area with a 4-hole regular miniplate.However, large displacement was recorded by the other modes of single miniplate fixation.<BR>7.In simulatory osteosynthesis with two miniplates at either the body or the median region, the displacement was small and showed no difference by any mode of fixation.The displacement was smallest especially by fixation with two 4-hole regular miniplates.<BR>8.In simulatory osteosynthesis at either the body or the median region, fixation with two miniplates resulted in smaller displacement, compared to fixation with one miniplate.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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- Assessment of structural mechanics of osteosynthesis with titanium miniplates.
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