An experimental study on the role of the Schwann cell basal lamina in peripheral nerve regeneration.
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the regeneration of peripheral nerves, Schwann cells guide the direction of regenerated axons.<BR>This study was designed to observe axonal regeneration under the following conditions:<BR>(1) The presence of viable Schwann cells;<BR>(2) The presence of viable Schwann cell basal lamina alone; and<BR>(3) The absence of all viable tissue components.<BR>The experimental groups were prepared as follows and the process of axonal regeneration was examined by transmission electron microscopy.<BR>(1) The sciatic nerves of rat were transected and sutured. The nerve segments were observed in the distal stump.<BR>(2) The sciatic nerves of rats were excised and grafted to lyophilized homologus nerves.<BR>(3) Similarly, the sciatic nerves were excised. Polyglycolic acid (P. G. A.) fibers were inserted in silicone tubes and grafted to the nerve gaps.<BR>The results were as follows:<BR>1. In the distal stump which underwent transection and suture of nerve fibers, Schwann cells phagocytized degenerating myelin sheaths and cell debris and guided regenerating axons.<BR>2. In the lyophilized homologous nerve grafts, degenerated myelin sheaths and cell debris were phagocytized by macrophages, but the Schwann cell basal lamina remained.<BR>3. In the lyophilized homologous nerve grafts, regenerating axons grew in contact with the inner surface of the basal lamina scaffolds of the Schwann cells.<BR>4. In the tubulization group, regenerated axons were near the P. G. A. fibers and accompanied by Schwann cells.<BR>These findings indicate that the basal lamina scaffolds of Schwann cells function as pathways for guiding the direction of regenerating axons and Schwann cells.
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