片側性顎関節症におけるスタビリゼーション型スプリント使用効果の臨床統計学的評価 : 日本顎関節学会症型分類に基づいて
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Effects of treatment with stabilization splint therapy for three months were assessed in 193 patients with unilateral temporomandibular disorders (TMD). TMD were classified according to the proposal of the Japanese Society for Temporomandibular Joint, and the following results were obtained:<BR>1. Total pain relief according to a visual analog scale (VAS) and mouth opening were significantly improved both one and three months after placing the splint.<BR>2. Noise in the TMJ was improved only in 23.6% of the patients.<BR>3. Concerning specific kinds of pain, relief of occlusal pain was obtaired in 62.5% of the patients, that of pain on mouth opening in 63.8%, that of pain at rest in 88.9%, that of terderness of muscles in 74.4%, and that of terderness of the TMJ in 67.9%. The stabilization splints were effective not only for terderness of the masticatory muscles but also for that of the TMJ.<BR>4. Total pain relief assessed by VAS was detected more frequently in type I and II patients than in type III-L, III-IL and N patients.<BR>5. As many type III-IL patients fell into a closed-lock status, we recommend that splint therapy should not be used in this type of patient.<BR>6. The splint was effective for many kinds of pain, but ineffective for TMJ noise in type III-C patients.
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