漁業練習船における発電機負荷の不等率〔含 質疑応答〕
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In case of fishing and training vessel, electric equipments are more than that of the similer sizes' merchant ship. When the value of diversity factor is overestimated and underestimated, estimated necessary power and practical necessary power differ remarkably from each other in value, for this reason, generator has engine trouble.<BR>Therefore, diversity factor is factor that produces an great effect on the estimated necessary power.<BR>As the estimated necessary power must be grasped accurately, we researched, here the operating condition of automatic start-stop machines and electric power consumptions for the conditions of summer navigation, winter navigation, fishing and mooring on experiment vessel.<BR>we came to the following conclusions;<BR>1) we are apt to adopt excessive value of the diversity factor (%) on the fishing and training vessel.<BR>There is not a difference of value under the various operating conditions, and as a value of that, we recommend the use of 35%, where;<BR>Diversity Factor (%) =Maximum required electrical power/Sum of maximun required electrical power of each intermittent service load×100 [%]<BR>2) There is not a very difference of load factor under the various operating conditions, and as a value of that, we recommend the use of 65%, <BR>3) As such the fluctuations in the necessary power during a day can not be found easily, we can apply the method that estimate the necessary power, the same method as a merchant ship uses, it is the method which convert the total of intermittent load in continuous load using diversity factor.
- 公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
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