中速ディ-ゼル機関における熱発生率のシミュレ-ション手法〔含 質疑応答〕
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This paper discusses the tentative calculation method for simulating the heat release rate which is indispensable for predicting the medium speed diesel engine performance. The combustion tests were conducted in the medium speed diesel engines with 220mm and 240mm bore using the marine diesel fuel oil and the degraded heavy fuel oils, and the relationship between the cumulated quantity of fuel injection rate and the cumulated quantity of heat release rate obtained from those tests is examined. The results indicate that the shape in the unburnt quantity mode of fuel injected into the combustion chamber is divided into three stages, and the first and the second stages can be approximately shown as the linear function, the third stage can be approximately shown as the exponential function. Further, the heat release rate can be simulated by means of this calculation method using the coefficients and the exponents which are evaluated from the relations between the cumulated quantities, and using the input data for the fuel injection mode. And the agreement between the measured and the calculated heat release rate is found to be good in trend and in magnitude.
- 公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
乾 豊
古川 与四郎
近藤 博美
石橋 徳憲
近藤 博美
ダイハツディーゼル (株)
乾 豊
ダイハツディーゼル (株)
古川 与四郎
ダイハツディーゼル (株)
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