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In previous paper, a trial study on the gloss meter (VM 2D) was reported.<BR>The system has been developed further in order to obtain optimum results for the measurement of tooth gloss and for brushing teeth with dentifrice abrasives. Signal-to-Noise (S/N) ratios were calculated to obtain the optimum conditions, and the results demonstrated that the following conditions were most favorable:<BR>1) The angle between incidence and reflection was 60°.<BR>2) The mean of two maximum values from the gloss and reflex values, which were taken from the picture drawn by the X-Y recorder, was the most precise.<BR>3) The most suitable number of brushing strokes was 600, and the most suitable brushing load was 800 grams.<BR>In addition, morphological observation of enamel surface demonstrated that the enamel surface was abraded by the dentifrice abrasive M<SUB>1</SUB>, but gloss value was high.<BR>On the other hand, the abrasive M<SUB>2</SUB> showed opposite results, with low abrasion but low gloss value.<BR>The abrasive M<SUB>3</SUB> was significantly superor in making a glooy enamel surface.
- 有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会の論文
高橋 昭記
氏家 高志
小沢 利之
輿水 正樹
ライオン株式会社, 第1応用研究所
浅井 康年
神奈川歯科大学, 口腔衛生学教室
小沢 利之
ライオン株式会社, 第1応用研究所
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