人の歯苔および舌苔の微生物叢に及ぼすStreptomyces globisporus溶菌酵素の影響
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In a previous study we have demonstrated that a bacteriolytic enzyme from <I>Streptomyces globisporus</I> inhibits dental plaque formation in man. This paper describes the effects of the enzyme administration into the oral cavity on the relative proportions in population of 8 selected genera of microorganisms indigenous to human dental plaque and tongue coating.<BR>Eighteen volunteers, males and females aged 19 to 30, were divided into 2 groups, the enzyme and the placebo. The Enzyme was administered by inserting a chewable tablet with or without the enzyme (9mg/tablet) under the tongue. The volunteers were instructed to take 2 tablets after each meal, 6 tablets a day, for 20 days, and to refrain from brushing the 6lower anterior teeth during the experimental period. On day 3 and 20, samples of dental plaque and tongue coating were collected from the labial surface of the lower right canine with asterile spoon excavator and from the dorsal surface of tongue with a sterile cotton applicator. The relative proportions in population of 8 selected genera were determined by comparing numbers of colonies recovered on selective media under appropriate cultural conditions.<BR><I>Streptococcus</I> was a major component of dental plaque of day 3 (80% of total colony forming units), and <I>Neisseria</I> (3.0%), <I>Veillonella</I> (7.7%), <I>Corynebacterium</I> (5.2%), <I>Actinomyces</I> (3.4%) and <I>Fusobacterium</I> (1.0%) were consistently recovered in the ratios given in parenthesis. With the development of plaque, <I>Streptococcus</I> (63%) and <I>Neisseria</I> (0.1%) decreased, while the remainder, particularly <I>Corynebacteriurm</I> (20%), appeared to increase in the relative proportions of populations. In tongue coating as well, <I>Streptococcus</I> (70%) was predominant. <I>Actinomyces</I> (0.8%) and <I>Corynebacterium</I> (1.3%) were present in lower proportions, and <I>Neisseria</I> (9.7%) and <I>Fusobacterium</I> (3.4%) in greater proportions, in tongue coating than in dental plaque. The increments of <I>Veillonella</I> (12.5→20%) and <I>Fusobacterium</I> (3.4→5.7%) compensated for the reduction of <I>Streptococcus</I> (70→61%) in day-20 samples. No significant difference in the relative proportions of genera other than these two existed between day-3 and day-20 tongue coatings. The proportions of <I>Candida</I> were negligible in all samples of the dental plaque and tongue coating. <I>Lactobacillus</I> was recovered in extremely low numbers from only a few samples of tongue coating.<BR>The relative proportions of the selected organisms detected in dental plaque and tongue coating were not affected by the intra-oral administration of the bacteriolytic enzyme for 3 and 20 days. <I>Streptococcus mutans also</I>, although highly sensitive to the enzyme <I>in vitro</I>, did not decrease in proportion.
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