- 論文の詳細を見る
During the period from September 1961 to March 1962, we gave health guidance for 3-year-old babies under the provisions of the Juvenile Welfare Law in various health centers of Metropolitan Tokyo. Of the guidance slips entered during the medical examination, we picked up 33, 395 slips in which complete dental views had been entered. Classifying these data by the different months of birth of the 3-year-old babies, we conducted a comparative study of dental disease with different months of birth, with the following results:<BR>I. On dental Caries<BR>1) The percentage of those suffering from dental caries is the lowest for the babies born in January-April, followed by the respective periods of September-October and May-August, The month with the lowest percentage is February with its 60.59%, while the highest month is May with its 77.78%.<BR>2) As for the average number of decayed teeth per capita, the variation with different months of birth is comparatively similar to that of the number of sufferers from dental caries. The minimum is 2.97 pieces for January, and the maximum is 5.33 pieces for July.<BR>3) The conditions of dental caries are classified into three types:<BR>Type A: Those who have dental caned only in the front teeth or only in the molar teeth of the upper and lower jaws.<BR>Type B: Those who have dental caries in the molar teeth of the upper and lower jaws and in the front teeth of the upper jaw.<BR>Type C: Those who have dental caries both in the front and molar teeth of the upper and lower jaws.<BR>For these three types, the variation with different months of birth is found as follows:<BR>1) In Type A, the lowest percentage is 31.70% in July, and the highest is 54.15% in February.<BR>2) In Type B, the tendency is reversed to that of Type A, the lowest being 34.90% in February and the highest 63.41% in July.<BR>3) The trend of type C resembles that of Type A, the lowest being 4.76% in May and the highest 14.18% in April.<BR>II. On Malocclusion<BR>The variation of malocclusion with different months of birth is not very striking, but it is to be noted that those who were born in May show no malocclusion. The following are the percentages of different types of malocclusion: a) reversed occlusion, b) upper jaw projecting overpalate occlusion, c) open occlusion, d) fasciculation, and e) medium separation, <BR>1) For type-a, November-March is the period of lowest percentage and June-October is that of the highest. Specifically, April gives the lowest percentage of 25.00% and June the highest 100.00%.<BR>2) For type-B, April-July is the lowest period, followed by the periods of August-October and November-February upward in this order, The lowest percentage is 0% for the period of March through July and the highest is 12.68% for November.<BR>3) The tendency of type-c is similar to that of type-b. The lowest percentage is 0% for April-July and the highest is 21.43% for March.<BR>4) The tendency of type-d resembles that of type-c or type-a. The lowest percentage is 0% for March and May-July, and the highest is 50.00% for April.<BR>5) For type-e, June is the lowest month, followed by December-February, March, April and July steadily upward. The lowest is 0% for June and the highest is 50.00% for July.<BR>III. On Soft Tissue Disease of Oral Cavity.
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