学校歯科保健に関する研究 (5) : 今次大戦における非疎開・疎開学童の乳歯齲蝕の罹患性
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In 1949, 376 boys and girls in a certain primary school in Tokyo, who were aged 7 to 10 who were dispersed on account of the present World War II, and those non-dispersed in 1944 to 1946, the dispersions of which are further classified according to the districts such as cities, towns and farming fishing villages and their ages; and the caries of deciduous teeth (surface caries, deep-seated caries, root stump caries) and def in 1949 and the condition of 1950 and the increase and decrease during the year in these boys and girls was observed, which resulted as follows: -<BR>1. Those dispersed compared to non-dispersed are generally under aged 9 in 1949, especially aged 7 in 1949 and 1950 show a high degree contraction in both deciduous caries and def, but aged 10 show a low degree one in both 1949 and 1950.<BR>2. Those who were dispersed to farming and fishing villages, compared to those dispersed to cities and towns were generally under aged 9 in 1949, especially aged 7 show a low degree contraction in both deciduous caries and def, but show a high degree one in both 1949 and 1950.<BR>3. At the period of dispersion we can guess that the boys and girls dispersed in cities and towns, farming and fishing villages were in the circumstances of being easily attacked by deciduous caries than those in Tokyo, and between farming, fishing villages, and cities, towns, this suffering tendency was remarkable in the former than in the latter from a standpoint of dispersion districts.
- 有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会の論文
岡田 芳子
大竹 太
三須 昌保
坪根 哲郎
日本歯科大学 衛生学教室
佐藤 コト
岡田 芳子
大竹 太
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