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The purpose of this study was to determine the percentile curves for the numbers of permanent teeth and to examine their significance in oral health promotion and their utilization in oral health education for adults and elderly people.<BR>The percentile curves were estimated by cumulative frequency distribution of missing permanent teeth from 10, 249 subjects aged 10-79yr, reported by the National Survey of Dental Disease (Japan, 1987). The results were as follows.<BR>1) Age differences in missing teeth were observed clearly on the rate of persons with a few numbers of missing teeth (less than approximately 5 teeth, Fig. 1) and high percentile levels (more than 50 percentile level, Fig. 2) when the subjects were divided into two age groups of less or more than 40-44years.<BR>2) Regression analysis showed that the percentile values of missing permanent teeth were in conformity with an exponential curve (Fig. 2).<BR>3) Percentile curves for the numbers of permanent teeth were widely distributed and divided into the areas between 3-97 percentile curves with similar intervals (Fig. 3).<BR>4) The percentile curves showed profiles similar to the survival rate curves of human life and reflected suitably the trends of aging in oral health status and the present distribution in permanent dentition.<BR>These results show that the percentile curves for the numbers of permanent teeth are a useful index for planning and evaluting oral health promotion and are an effective parameter in the counselling for oral health.
- 有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会の論文
有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会 | 論文
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