A Combined Approach for de novo DNA Sequence Assembly of Very Short Reads
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De novo DNA sequence assembly is very important in genome sequence analysis. In this paper, we investigated two of the major approaches for de novo DNA sequence assembly of very short reads: overlap-layout-consensus (OLC) and Eulerian path. From that investigation, we developed a new assembly technique by combining the OLC and the Eulerian path methods in a hierarchical process. The contigs yielded by these two approaches were treated as reads and were assembled again to yield longer contigs. We tested our approach using three real very-short-read datasets generated by an Illumina Genome Analyzer and four simulated very-short-read datasets that contained sequencing errors. The sequencing errors were modeled based on Illuminas sequencing technology. As a result, our combined approach yielded longer contigs than those of Edena (OLC) and Velvet (Eulerian path) in various coverage depths and was comparable to SOAPdenovo, in terms of N50 size and maximum contig lengths. The assembly results were also validated by comparing contigs that were produced by assemblers with their reference sequence from an NCBI database. The results show that our approach produces more accurate results than Velvet, Edena, and SOAPdenovo alone. This comparison indicates that our approach is a viable way to assemble very short reads from next generation sequencers.
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- 中国における民族観光の創出 : 貴州省の事例から(観光の人類学 : 再考と展望)
- 南インドにおける貧困・不平等--ヴァディパティ村の事例(人類学的視点から) (東洋大学アジア文化研究所(旧東洋大学アジア・アフリカ文化研究所)創立50周年記念行事) -- (国際シンポジウム アジアにおける農村社会の変容--環境・格差・貧困)
- 嫉妬する目--ブラジルにおける邪視と社会格差
- 貧困概念をめぐる一考察--開発学と人類学からの貢献とヴィエトナムの貧困問題調査の現状と限界
- ベンヤミンの「経験」概念