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For the purpose of recording viscosity change during the starch pasting, several types of viscographs are commercially available. Those instruments are originally intended for industrial uses and require 20 to 50g of starch. This fact often prevents us from applying them for laboratory work. We have been trying and completed to construct a Couettetype micro-viscograph which requires only one hundredth of sample as compared with the previous instruments. Details of the micro-viscograph are shown in the present paper, with several examples of the viscosity curves which have been obtained by this instrument. The micro-viscograph gave the good reproducible results with reliability of ± 10cP at the deflection of 40° and maximum sensitivity of 6cP/1°, These values are comparable to that of the previous large-scale instruments. The present micro-viscograph possesses an additional advantage of being sensitive to faint swelling of cereal starches, which occurs at temperatures lower than the ordinary gelatinization point and is hardly detectable by other viscographs.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
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